as salam..ngeeeeee..akibat kebosanan yg amat terlampau duk kat umah ni, ttbe terpkir nk wat entry blog yg baru..actually da lame dah entry ni caye smpan as draft sbb hantu malas menguasai diri utk tdk update entry bru..wakakakakaa.. A 50 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME! yes! ni ler tjuk entry caye!!hahahaha.. ni ler msenyer korg kne tau ape yg caye ske, ape yg caye xske n ape2 jela!hahaha! my secret also, will be revealed at diz entry!weeeeeeeeeeeeee~~ ok dah, sile stop merapu and LET'S GET STARTED bebeh!!!! oh!btw, kpd sesape yg meluat nk bace entry caye ni sile tgk sblah kanan atas skrin kmpter anda ade button X and berwarne merah kan??ok, anda bole klik kat situ yeak! p/s : wanna know about my dream guy?? bace smpai abis ok! ;)
1) love chocolate (cadbury and toblerone!)
2) very2 love ICE CREAM! perisa?? peppermint ngn cokolat of coz!hahaha.
3) peminat kasut bebeh especially wedges but xske heels coz da mmg tnggi..kahkah..
4) ske tido, online, facebook, and watch tv but now addicted to TWITTER !!!
5) really love ROSES, red roses!OMG! ade sape2 nk bg kt caye x??kui3..
6) ske texting rather than talk on the phone..weird x???lolz!
7) say YES to HINDUSTAN! muvie hindustan yg lame2 la, yg bru2 ni xleh bla sgt..
8) sukak berangan!kahkahkah..
9) STRANGERS think I'm quiet. My FRIENDS think I'm out-going. My BEST FRIENDS think I'm crazy..hahaha..
10) LAUGHING! YES! suke gelak coz that's the only therapy when i'm stress!
11) i'm not SOMBONG! for sure, get to know me first okies!
12) love KIDS! sometimes, xsbar nk ade ank sendiri..wakakakaa..
13) horror movie, action movie, comedy and any muvie yg berkaitan medic or penyiasatan..FAVORITE!!
14) LOYAL! sumpah!
15) don't hve time for LOVE! study is important to me!
16) family n friends, they are my LIFE!
17) suke bnde2 yg comel! even bnde tu mngrut tp comel, i will like it!
18) LURUS BENDUL, sometimes..perhaps!hahaha!
19) owh! i hve 3 big brother's! love them so much but they dun know..wahahhaa!
20) suke air!! waterfall,sungai, laut or anything yg berkaitan ngn air..I LIKE!
21) love make friends, new friends!
22) oh! suke tido lambat! then bngun pon lambat..ekekekeee..
23) kpd yg xtau lg, i'm a student at UNITEN kampus putrajaya..heeeee..
24) oh!again! loveeeeee aksesori rambut then rings! gosshhhh!! ske giler cincin!
25) suke PEDAS, xske sgt manis2 ni..hahaha..
26) my PHONE! YES! xpnah tnggal, if ttnggal ker..mmg mcm ade bnde xkne ngn diri ni..hahaha..
27) suke bnde baru, bnde yg mencabar..hmmmm..
28) NAKAL! NAUGHTY! YES! that's ME!!!
30) cooking, decorating, take pictures..those are depends on my mood!
31) kuat MENANGIS! YES! one of my therapy but sometimes caye mngis ngn ttbe..LOLZ!
32) study last minit?? YUP! that's ME!
33) owh! mayb rmai yg xtau kot bnde ni, ni nk habaq mai.. dari DARJAH 1 sampai TINGKATAN 5, bersekolah di CONVENT MUAR.. 100% GIRLS! then now i'm at UNITEN, mix with guys but alhamdulillah.. NO CULTURE SHOCK!
34) PURPLE & BLACK, my feveret kaler!!
35) benci TIKUS! i mean it ok!huh!
36) ske stdy sorang2, stdy group?? nope! dun like it!
38) i'm talking if i have a mood to talk, if not..i just keep quiet..weird?? yes!
39) benci pmpuan yg bajet HOT, bajet CANTIK bajet BAGUS n bajet PANDAI!
40) i'm respect people who talk less but lbih bnyk wat keje..
41) owh! caye TEGAS n GARANG pd certain org and MANJA kat certain org juge..ngeeeee~~
42) if xske some1 ker, xske gaduh but trik diri secare slowly..
43) suke bergurau but ade batasnyer yeaaa...
44) FOOD! OMG! yes, I LOVE FOOD!
46) do i like to MAKE UP??? juz for any grand event, that's it!
47) football???bole la lyan tp very giler WORLD CUP! match yg lain, xbape nk lyan sgt..hehe..
48) TEDDY BEARS! i love teddy!!! i love DOLLS!!!
49) ape2 gift dr sape2 pown, i will appreciate it n take care of like my life..
50) not really adore pretty girls, bkn sbb caye xcntik then xske org2 cntik..but, one thing that i'll alwayz keep in my mind.. A pretty girl is nothing, if she has an ugly heart..
ok! that's it! habis pon!!hahahahha!! sile percaye entry ni coz diz entry is really3 about me! opsss!! pasal LELAKI IDAMAN tuh?? yup! mmg benar dan sebenar2nyer benar!hakhakhak! but i know, ape yg kte nk dlm idup ni xsmstinyer dpt kan?? i juz can dreaming jela, ape2 jodoh yg dtg.. i juz accept it n bersyukur!hehehehe.. actually bnyk ag tntg dri caye ni but da pnat ler nk menaip n sian entry ni duk terperap kat draft coz xde idea n mlas nk update..smntre ade mood n idea mencurah2 dtg, baik update n post it!hahahaha!
ok2, stop merapu shikin!hahahah! agknyer, entry ni ler yg pling pnjg pnah caye post kot..kahkahkah..ok dah my dear, time to stop typing! akn caye update my beloved blog ni lg if ade story mory yg mnrik okies! aahla, diam x diam blog caye ni dah berusia 2tahun lbey!weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~ insyaAllah, blog ni akn sntiase ade story smpai caye beranak pinak!wahahahhaha!! ok2, STOP! gudnite my love, gudnite WORLD! and Say welcome to today, it's another chance for you to catch up on what you missed and create what you haven't. :)