as salam uolz! caakkkkkkkkk!!hakhakhak..ok, caye da giler..knape??anda kne bace entry kali ni smpai abis ok klau nk tau nape caye giler dlm alam maya, reality mmg aku xghupe org!muahahaha!! okies, mnggu ni iaitu bersamaan 18 julai hingga 23 julai merupekan mnggu pling super duper trillion billion BUSY!! why?? tell me wwhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, lalalalalaaaaaaaaa...bhahahahha!! see, i told ya! caye da giler!blergghhhhh..ok2, saje jek nk mmnjang kan entry kan..hehehe..nk tau knape?? baiklah, let the secret...REVEALLLLLLL.....
18 julai 2011 : kuiz utk sbjek DATABASE + preparation permainan tradisi FSU 2011
19 julai 2011 : permainan tradisi FSU 2011 + presentation sbjek HCI + preparation mlm kemuncak FSU 2011
20 julai 2011 : FESTIVAL SENI UNITEN 2011
21 julai 2011 : lab test sbjek DATABASE
22 julai 2011 : makan malam CERITERA PERWIRA
23 julai 2011 : research at NEW ZEALAND BAKERY + INDOOR GAMES + makan2!
24 julai 2011 : jage KIOSK ILMU dr pukul 2 petang hngga 10 malam!hahahahhaa!
so, how is it??? i'm fully booked this week!! that's why caye ckp this week is a crazy week ever!!! ttap ngn x ttap iman jela kan nk menghadap senarai di atas niiihhhh..huhu..but alhamdulillah, Allah msih lg beri caye tnge utk settlekn mnggu giler ni n alhamdulillah..berjaye melalui nyer!!hahahahaa! ya Allah, i juz dunno know how this happen..giler dsyat la kan mnggu ni, da la xlame lg puase then yg best tuh xlame lg dah nk final exam! start 15 ogos kot! stdy??? OMG!!!! i'm not prepared ok!!!huhuhu.. i juz can't imagine la, sem skrg da pndek2 n at the same time rushing between studies n activities kat UNITEN ni..haiyok! bole mati student cmni..huhuhu..tnggal lg bape mnggu nk exam weyh!!shikin, wake uuppppppppppppppppppp!!huhu.. nver mind, i can do it! yes!hahahahha.. ape yg pnting, mnggu yg pling giler ni bkal melabuhkan tirainyer...the best part is 23 julai 2011, start my day with ati yg terbkar! coz p research kat bakery tu without another 2 my groupmate! pgi2 mmg da terbkar but day jd sgt2 hepi with laugh n smile! xkan lupekan tarikh 23 julai 2011 okies! why? coz, INDOOR GAMES at KELOMPOK ILMU is an awesome event la! even bwt kcit2 n participant yg dtg xramai sgt but bersyukur gler sbb yg dtg seme sempoi abis! mcm nk pcah jgk stdy room tuh dgn glak tawe seme! xckup ngn ptg jek, event ptt stat kul4 ptg n abis kul6 sbb dorg xcited giler, kteorg anjak smpai ke pkul7.30 mlm!huhu... n the best part is, in my whole life! xreti giler main congkak then my housemate iaitu NUR FAUZIA ajar then i'm xpert in congkak now!hakhakhak!
to my lovely SAHABAT... ECOT, NENEK, WANI and POJIE...thanks coz bwt ari aku pnuh ngn glak tawe arini! n of coz, xlupe jgk to my lovely 'sister' at UNITEN iaitu kak NATRAH NAWAWI and kak ONNY!!! tenkiu sbb sudi join our event n bwt event kami tmbah gempak lagi!!!weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~
oh, xlupe jgk kat abg2 delivery domino's pizza yg snggup deliver 12keping pizza utk event ni yea!hakhakhak!
seriously, i'm happy today! sgt hepi n Allah..aku hrap, nikmat bhgia yg KAU berikan kt hambaMU ni akn berkekalan hndaknyer..amiinnnnn... ;)
btw, alhamdulillah! my pinggang now is better n skit pon da kurang..alhamdulillah sgt2! fuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....pnjg lbar entry kli ni, tngan pon da lnguh menaip ni..mate lak dak sayup2 ni, menandakan utk caye berehat..xde rhat arini, tp xrase pnat sbb hepi sgt! done typing my entry, mase utk si comel ini beradu..hikhikhik...jmpe lg utk lain entry ok sbb ade bnyk lg nk story ni, see yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! muuaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!! =)
18 julai 2011 : kuiz utk sbjek DATABASE + preparation permainan tradisi FSU 2011
19 julai 2011 : permainan tradisi FSU 2011 + presentation sbjek HCI + preparation mlm kemuncak FSU 2011
20 julai 2011 : FESTIVAL SENI UNITEN 2011
21 julai 2011 : lab test sbjek DATABASE
22 julai 2011 : makan malam CERITERA PERWIRA
23 julai 2011 : research at NEW ZEALAND BAKERY + INDOOR GAMES + makan2!
24 julai 2011 : jage KIOSK ILMU dr pukul 2 petang hngga 10 malam!hahahahhaa!
so, how is it??? i'm fully booked this week!! that's why caye ckp this week is a crazy week ever!!! ttap ngn x ttap iman jela kan nk menghadap senarai di atas niiihhhh..huhu..but alhamdulillah, Allah msih lg beri caye tnge utk settlekn mnggu giler ni n alhamdulillah..berjaye melalui nyer!!hahahahaa! ya Allah, i juz dunno know how this happen..giler dsyat la kan mnggu ni, da la xlame lg puase then yg best tuh xlame lg dah nk final exam! start 15 ogos kot! stdy??? OMG!!!! i'm not prepared ok!!!huhuhu.. i juz can't imagine la, sem skrg da pndek2 n at the same time rushing between studies n activities kat UNITEN ni..haiyok! bole mati student cmni..huhuhu..tnggal lg bape mnggu nk exam weyh!!shikin, wake uuppppppppppppppppppp!!huhu.. nver mind, i can do it! yes!hahahahha.. ape yg pnting, mnggu yg pling giler ni bkal melabuhkan tirainyer...the best part is 23 julai 2011, start my day with ati yg terbkar! coz p research kat bakery tu without another 2 my groupmate! pgi2 mmg da terbkar but day jd sgt2 hepi with laugh n smile! xkan lupekan tarikh 23 julai 2011 okies! why? coz, INDOOR GAMES at KELOMPOK ILMU is an awesome event la! even bwt kcit2 n participant yg dtg xramai sgt but bersyukur gler sbb yg dtg seme sempoi abis! mcm nk pcah jgk stdy room tuh dgn glak tawe seme! xckup ngn ptg jek, event ptt stat kul4 ptg n abis kul6 sbb dorg xcited giler, kteorg anjak smpai ke pkul7.30 mlm!huhu... n the best part is, in my whole life! xreti giler main congkak then my housemate iaitu NUR FAUZIA ajar then i'm xpert in congkak now!hakhakhak!
to my lovely SAHABAT... ECOT, NENEK, WANI and POJIE...thanks coz bwt ari aku pnuh ngn glak tawe arini! n of coz, xlupe jgk to my lovely 'sister' at UNITEN iaitu kak NATRAH NAWAWI and kak ONNY!!! tenkiu sbb sudi join our event n bwt event kami tmbah gempak lagi!!!weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~
oh, xlupe jgk kat abg2 delivery domino's pizza yg snggup deliver 12keping pizza utk event ni yea!hakhakhak!
seriously, i'm happy today! sgt hepi n Allah..aku hrap, nikmat bhgia yg KAU berikan kt hambaMU ni akn berkekalan hndaknyer..amiinnnnn... ;)
btw, alhamdulillah! my pinggang now is better n skit pon da kurang..alhamdulillah sgt2! fuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....pnjg lbar entry kli ni, tngan pon da lnguh menaip ni..mate lak dak sayup2 ni, menandakan utk caye berehat..xde rhat arini, tp xrase pnat sbb hepi sgt! done typing my entry, mase utk si comel ini beradu..hikhikhik...jmpe lg utk lain entry ok sbb ade bnyk lg nk story ni, see yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! muuaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!! =)