as salam uolssss! wanna make this entry short, simple, sweet n full with picture!!! :)
okes, yesterday yg bersamaan dgn 29/10/11 merupakan hari giler2 sy bersama dgn my third family! hoyeaaahhh, my beloved MPP's family! criusly, best giler dpt lepak dgn dorang n at the same time dpt kenal setiap org yg pergi outing ni dgn lbih mendalam..hahaha! rite now, for sure da mmg knal sgt dah ngn prngai dorg n ade yg sy pkir sopan jek slame ni tp last2 mcm hampeehhh prngai!kuikuikui.. owh, actually dlm board MPP kami ade 12 org but yg join cume 8 org jek smlm coz yg lain ade mslh2 yg xdpt dielakkan.. :)
aah! lupe lak, venue for the first outing kteorg adelah kat BUKIT TINGGI, PAHANG! hey helloooo, this is my first time ok p bukit tinggi tu and pemandangan dier...subahanallah, sgt cntik ciptaan Allah.. cuaca sgt sejuk, angin pon sgt kuat..ya Allah, sgt cantik ciptaan Illahi kan.. kteorg pergi sehari jek, mane x penat kan..kuikuikui..
okla, jom tgk picta ok! kte story mory kat picta pulakss! ;)
okes, yesterday yg bersamaan dgn 29/10/11 merupakan hari giler2 sy bersama dgn my third family! hoyeaaahhh, my beloved MPP's family! criusly, best giler dpt lepak dgn dorang n at the same time dpt kenal setiap org yg pergi outing ni dgn lbih mendalam..hahaha! rite now, for sure da mmg knal sgt dah ngn prngai dorg n ade yg sy pkir sopan jek slame ni tp last2 mcm hampeehhh prngai!kuikuikui.. owh, actually dlm board MPP kami ade 12 org but yg join cume 8 org jek smlm coz yg lain ade mslh2 yg xdpt dielakkan.. :)
aah! lupe lak, venue for the first outing kteorg adelah kat BUKIT TINGGI, PAHANG! hey helloooo, this is my first time ok p bukit tinggi tu and pemandangan dier...subahanallah, sgt cntik ciptaan Allah.. cuaca sgt sejuk, angin pon sgt kuat..ya Allah, sgt cantik ciptaan Illahi kan.. kteorg pergi sehari jek, mane x penat kan..kuikuikui..
okla, jom tgk picta ok! kte story mory kat picta pulakss! ;)
haaaa, time ni baru smpai kat bukit tinggi..tukang amik pic ni ialah pres mpp sesi yg baru ni..secara xofficial, dier la photographer utk outing ni..kihkihkih..
posing lagi! :)
time ni sgt kepenatan ok! naik bukit yg ntah bape meter jauh dier! haiyaakkk, da pnat naik bukit pastu gelak2 ngn dorang2 ni bwtkn sy kejang perut!huwarrgghhh!!
see that!!!! smpai si ja'a (nama penuh, azharidzuan selaku training n leadership secretariat) terbaring sbb kepenatan! yg encik pres ni lincah jek amin gmbar kan,haiyaakk!! segan xseganla kan org tgk kteorg memporak perandakan bukit tinggi tuh..hahaha!
dari kiri : baim (pres), red (s/u) and pak lah (welfare secretariat)
xpnah jumpa kolam ikan... =,,=''
kat botanical garden yg sgt indah!
dri kiri : saya (cultural n sport secretariat), red, pak lah, ghobi (vice pres), ja'a (knon seksi dgn lengan dier.. =,,='') and nabeel ( corporate n strategic secretariat)
posing giler!!!hahaha!
ghobi terbaring sbb diseksa oleh jurugambar selaku pres mpp, kjap turn naik bukit! xker giler, dihayak nyer kteorg n alsan nk suh bakar lemaaakkkkk..kahkahkah!
sweet! ;)
yg lain seme korg da knal kan? girl yg sorg lagi tuh is amal selaku bendahari mpp.. :)
colmar! lpas pegi garden2 tuh seme kteorg pegi kat colmar lak which is very beautiful place to me! nice giler, mcm kat overseas pon ade jgk..ngeeeee~~
after da penat pusing2 n solat bagai..kteorg cari port yg baik punyerrrr, dduk kat citu n sambil bincang mslah2 student n about mpp itself.. kami seme bkn skdar outing n bersuka ria but at the same time membincangkan mslh2 yg ade.. ;)
ni suasana malam kt colmar, sgt nice n sejukkk!!! >.<"
muke pres kite, keletihan..haha!
yezaaaaaaa!! i think this picture is the best picture ever! thanks to our mr pres sbb snap this picture!hahaha! seme spontan n the best part is goes to mr ghobi! dier sujuk syukur sbb at last dier dpt turun dgn slmt slpas menjelajah kat garden tuh! muke dier mmg xleh blah ar, penat giler!kahkahkah!
wanna more picture?? bnyk sbnanyer picture2 yg di snap!hahaha! tp xleh la nk share seme kat cni, klau nk tgk lagi bolehla add sy kat FACEBOOK! kihkihkih.. btw, credit to mr ibrahim khalil selaku pres mpp n selaku jurugambar kami for our first outing! thanks 4 da picta yawrrr! (^_^)v
semalam mmg hari yg happening sgt2 smpai naik pening layan kerenah bdk2 lelaki yg...............i dunno la what to say bcoz smlm mmg nmpk perangai sbnar dorg!hahahaha! mngkin slpas 1bulan kami jd MPP ni thap tekanan sgt tnggi kan, biler dpt outing tuh yg meroyan yg sgt dahssyaattt!!kahkahkah! senak perut n pening ok kteorg yg 2org pmpuan ni lyan kerenah 6 lelaki yg sgt hyperaktif smlm..hahahha! and what the most wonderful moments is, we achieve our aim... create bonding among us..that's the important things ok.. at least, kami skrg da tau even xkeseluruhan lah.. each of us ni actually ade kelebihan n kekurangan.. bertukar2 pendapat, best moments laaa! we are like siblings rite now and really hope that bonding that we create but actually that Allah create for us will last longer lah okiesss.. :)
gaduh2 biase or gaduh2 manje tu adat dlm persahabatan, lpas tuh berbaiklah smule k sbb we are still in learning process..learning to know each other, learning to work as a team! thanks to Allah yg mempertemukan kami dan menggerakkan hati kami untuk join Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar, it is an awesome experience and thanks again to Allah coz Dia mempertemukan sy dgn this awesome friends! ;)
p/s : my first family is my family kat muar tuh, second family is my gang ( ECOT, IRA, WANI, HABSAH, and POJIE) and my new family is my MPP's family! i love my family's so much ok, so dun try2 to separate us!kihkihkih.