as salam everybody! fuhh! mlm yg indah ni kan, jari jemari ku yg runcing lg mulus ni ttbe rajin utk menari sambil berdansa kat atas keyboard nih!wahahaha!
ya Allah, sudah dekat benda tuh tp sy still xsdar diri lagi yekkk..benda ape?? hey helloooooo!! that THING is called FINAL EXAM!!!!huwarrggghhhh!! pejam celik pejam celik, da final exam der oit!huhu. tp sblum tuh, entry ni ditaip menggunakan laptop, sambil meniarap dirumah ku syurgaku iaitu di MUAR!ahakz! blk kjap, amik restu family b4 exam.. anak solehah kan sy??kihkihkih.. ok2, back to the track.. dunno la why this sem mmg giler mlas nk stdy, da la amik 5 subjek then seme sbjek menghafal..mmg cun sgt!huhu.. pape pon, jom kte tgk jadual exam sy! :)
best giler la kan.. start on 28th of december then rest approximately 1 week kot then continue on 4, 5, 6 and the last paper on 7 of january.. bernanah okes kpler hotaakkk!hukhukhuk.. sgt terbaik sem ni, my time management this semester agk kelam kabut okeh..huhu.. pape pon, juz accept it.. mcm biasela statement sy, this is called LIFE AS A STUDENT.. nak xnak, kau kena hadap la kan every sem final exam n studying.. klau xnk seme tuh, berenti blaja then kawin!hahaha! ingt snang nk kwin?? kne ade ilmu kawin jgk kan?? dah sy ni knape, lari betol dr topic..kahkahkah... it's true kan, student mmg keje dier study n hadap exam.. bersusah dulu n insyaAllah, bersenang lenang kemudian hari..teheeeee... ok, klau da di campur tolak sem dpan n LI the other sem kan.. sy cume ade lg 3sem to complete my Bachelor program..subahanallah, time pass very fast isn't it?? mcm xcaye, mcm baru smlm amik result exam spm..hahaha!
so this week is a STUDY WEEK and mcm biase lah until the exam abis, mohon tgk pic dibawah.. :p
see that!hahaha! after this, i'm gonna focus on my final exam.. my blog takkan diupdate smpailah abis final exam.. xlame pon so jgn rndu sy bnyk2 okes, klau rndu calling2 lah!hehehe..
actually xsbar nk msuk exam hall, why?? tgk pic di bwh ni..
nk curahkan segala ilmu yg ade ok!hahaha! nice pic kan?? mmg kene dgn student2 yg bgai nk rak stdy kan then curahkan segala ape yg ade dlm otak tuh..hehehehe..
so my frenzzz, please wish me and my UNITENIANS a very GOOD LUCK okes! juz do the best peoples! and remember what bill gates said :
what ever result you get, accept it n beryukur ok.. tuah manusia ni kite xtau ok, but what ever it is..
teheeee, pnjg pulak entry sy kali ni kan n bnyk lak pic2 yekk..saje jek, xmola korg bosan bace..huuuuu.. okla then, smpai cni jek n insyaAllah, after my final exam i will update my blog again ok! huwarrggghhh! lamelah jari jemari ku ni xmenari atas keyboard, menari atas paper exam jela..huhuhu.. okes, gudnite peoples n all the best UNITENIANS!! ;)