Assalamualaikum wbt.

Alhamdulillah, berjumpa kite lg dlm rancangannnn..bahahaha! xde mknenyer, saje jek mengarut kan..hehehe.. nmpk gambar kat atas tuh??yup, tulisan DONE tuh! yeaayyy! alhamdulillah, i'm already finish my final exam for this final year first semester on 14th september! ya Allah, seriously.. FINAL YEAR STUDENT, bkn snang utk tempuh.. utk semester pertama final year ni, a lot of things i have been through.. oh yeah, especially STRESS and PRESSURE.. this two words yg sllu bermain2 dlm kehidupan sy skrg ni..huhu.. how about my Final Year Project 1?? owhhh, hampir terlupa.. i already present my FYP1 infront of my supervisor and also my examiner on 11th of september.. and as usual, Alhamdulillah.. everything goes smoothly! i like my examiner, she is so cool dude!ahahahha! xde soalan, chit chat yg lbh..kuikuikui.. Alhamdulillah sgt but i don't know the result.. final exam result, sgt takut coz ade satu or dua paper yg agk menggerunkan..huhu.. but insyaAllah, hope everything ok jelah kan.. PRAY! itu yg penting!yeay!

And now, sdg bercuti bbrpe hari kat MUAR! yup, lpas exam on14th tuh trus amik bas blk! cuti sempena hari 1 MALAYSIA! HAPPY MALAYSIA DAY! proud to be Malaysian, xkisah ape pon org berbalah psal politik ke hape but  no matter what.. I AM PROUD TO BE MALAYSIAN! yeahhh! oklah, disebabkan sepanjang exam aritu tdo sekadar sejam dua and nowwwwww.. sistem badan da mntk qada' tidur, sian badan sy xckup tido yeaa..hahaha! gudnite peoples! but before that, i have something for uolss! ;)

People come and go. i want to tell you that's life, because it really is. we learn who to trust, we learn how to fall in love, and we learn how to let go. with life comes obstacles, and those obstacles teach you who you are. the people that left aren't meant to be in your life, and the people you leave.. you aren't meant for them. 

I love this statements.. make me feel stronger and stronger each day.. nanite everyone, have faith on yourself and have faith on HIM.. ;)

Assalamualaikum wbt..

ya Allah, lamenyer tak menaip entry! da lamenyer tak merapu! da lamenyer tak share story mory dgn korg! da lamenyerrrrrrrrrrrrrr~~!!! huwaaaaa!huhu. hai korg, i'm back again!yeay! ade jgk mase nk update blog yg da mcm hape ni, berhabuk! *kibas sesawang* ok fellas, how r uolsss?? hope korg doing fine okay! me? what's happen to me? my life, how is it? ya Allah, its kinda disaster!ahahaha! xdela, joking2..hehehe.. da lame tak mengarut, dpt peluang trus meroyan..hahaha! alhamdulillah, i'm fine even though actually I'M NOT FINE!hahaha! my life doing well, but NOT very well lah.. dah knpe kan minah ni, berbelit2 ayat!kuikuikui.. sorry my readers, sdg dlm keadaan tension dan pressure yang amat..huhu.. mane tak nyer, SEPTEMBER adalah bulan KILLER!urgh! why? it is because of my lovely FINAL EXAM, my FINAL YEAR PROJECT and so on! agak busy, dan sbb tuh xde mase nk tulis entry baru even bnyk sbnrnyer story nk dimuntahkan kat blog nih.. acaner final exam? alhamdulillah, berjln lncar.. start final exam aritu is on 4th september and going to take my last paper on 14th of september.. Semalam, arini da 10 aribulan kan? so means smlm bru abis my 2nd last paper.. agak menakutkan paper tuh sbb xbape nk ok sgt jwb..huhu.. but its ok, just doa bbnyk hope my result okay2 sahaja..heeee.. 

agak penat, with my final exam and also my FYP.. yup, pagi nanti dah nak hntar full report of my FYP1 and then esok pagi akan present FYP sy dpan my beloved examiner and supervisor..errrrr.. non stop right? yup, tp ape nk bwt.. name pon student, kena tahan dan tahan..tak lame dah nk abis blaja, nxt year insyaAllah last lah.. 

story ckit lah spnjg my final exam week.. agak hura hara because... tidur tak cukup, makan tak ikut waktu, kurang masa bersosial, bnyk terperap dalam bilik dan bnyk ckp sorang2.. EH! hahahaha.. yup, itu yg dilalui.. stiap ari tido kul8 pagi, study dan study dan study.. kdang2 malu dgn Allah..yela, snggup stay utk stdy tp nk bwt bgun tgh mlm 'dating' dgn Dia pon liat!huhu. InsyaAllah, gonna change that.. 

oh, kesibukkan takkan berhenti disitu sahaja!yeah! after final exam nnt ade handle utk program international nyer sukan then after that bersambung utk orientation of new students intake!yeay! i love it! like it!hahahaha! sindiran jek seme nihhh..huhu.. xper, lg 2 bulan n then akan bersara dari bidang ni seme.. why? kenape? whhyyyyyyyyy??bahahhaa! nk tau?? tggula lpas 2bulan tersebut bru sy citer!yeyay! 

hampir terlupa! mcm mane raya korg? mesti best kan? taun ni sy raya sederhana saja, bnyk raya dgn buku2 dan nota2 terchenta..hahaha.. dan bnyk melayan soalan2 yg membwtkn diri terkesima! "pakwe xdtg?" "dah ade pakwe?" and bla bla bla blaaa..hahaha! chill la, mude lg!hehehe.. what ever it is, i'm happy with my life now even agk klam kabut lately ni but.. COOL! i like it.. nnt da keje lg sibuk, pastu bru la nk rndu zman university..hahaha! ok dahla, da kul4 lbh! nk smbung cek FYP sy.. sori korg, ade story nk crite but arini juz nk citer psal keserabutan diri n now rse lega dpt share ngn semua!wakakaka! insyaAllah, will update more after diz *if tak busy ler* 

tata! titi! tutu! wassalam... XOXOXOXO !