salam semue, da lame x update...ya Allah, sgt rindu nk update blog tp keje terlmpau bnyk sgt keje n assignment mmg bnyk!!!fuuuhhh...huhu. tp xpela, utk ssorg yg bernama MAWADDAH MOHAMAD NADZIR caye gagah kn jgk nk update blog!!!kahkahkah.
ptt nyer caye postkn entry ni mase birthday dier but d sbbkn trlmpau bz, caye luangkn mse skrg ni utk tulis entry khas utk MAWADDAH!!!!
sori my dear, kteorg xdpt nk celebrate mcm birthday POJIE aritu coz msing2 bz ngn keje msing2 and hang lak blk umah hang n mmg ssah la yeeekkkk....hehehe. tp caye and kwnku yg bernama IRA@NENEK bli kad brthday utk cayunk kteorg niiihhhh....hehehehe.
ni la kad caye bli utk cayunk caye ni, tp kad yg nnek bli xdpt caye upload coz xamik pic lakkk...hehehehehe. mmg omeeyyyy, semue BFF kteorg yg 11 org tu seme sign and wish dier, mngis bhai cik wadah kte ni bace kad tuuuuu....hahahaha. yg pling tkjut wadah kate, ni la first time dier dpt kad birthday cmni....terharu!!!huhu.
lastly, nk wish kat MAWADDAH even brthday dier jtuh pd 10januari 2010....HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAYUNK!!! smoge pnjang umo n murh rezki, kteorg SAYANG giilleerrrrrrrrr kat ko!!!!!hahahaha. doa kat Allah yg FRIENDSHIP kte akn berkekalan smpai akhir hyat kte, even ade mslah pon kte akn tempuhi bersame k cayunk????heeeeee...
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