salam to allz!!!ngeh3...amcam, shat ka semua???caye alhamdulillah sihat...kui3...uuuuuu, is it true that i'm in love rite now???yes bebeh, i'm really in love!!!muaaxxxxx!!!heheheehee...with who??ermmmm, it's hard to tell coz maybe u guys xkan caye nyer laaa...kui3...syg dia ker x???giler xsyg, syg dow...syg yg teramat sgt!!!!muaaaaxxxxxx10!hahahahaha...

eh, jap2...alahai, korg jgn ler slah anggap lak kan...saje jew wat saspen ni, actually i'm not in love with a MEN but i'm fall in love with PHOTOGRAPHY!!!muahahahaha...ade giler ker hape kan ttbe cintan cintun ngn llki, no no no!!!keh3...lom ade mase ag ler nk cintan cintun ni, agk mmbuang mase yg berhrge...huuuuuu...

skrg ni cuti slame sbulan mmg caye xkan sia2 kan cmtu jek, stiap ari skrg berjogging and snap picture then edit it!!!muahahaha...yela kan, xkan ler time jog tuh nk bwk kamera DSLR tu kan...ptah bahu nk memikul beg kmera tu so, kmera nset ade n caye gnekan dgn sbaik mngkin!kecchhiinnnngggg!!hahaha...skrg ni dah bnyk pic lame2 yg da caye edit n da upload kat my beloved FLICKR!!!kui3...yelakan, da ler ank pmpuan sorg kt umah ni...pe bnde sgt ler caye nk wat cuti2 ni, mlm2 da ler caye alone n x alone sgt pon...tu yg biler da bosan, edit picture!!hehehe...

haisshhhh,ntah cmner leh jtuh cinte ngn photography ni pon xtau ler...abg2 caye pon skrg dorg agk aktif dlm bnde2 photography ni seme n adik pmpuan dorg ni pon terikut same jgk n insyaAllah naik sem baru nnt nk pnjam dlm sbulan ker kan kmera dslr abg caye, die ade 2 kmera dslr n xkan ler kdkut sgt nk bg caye pnjam...keh3...caye ni asik bercerite jek kan, ape kate tgk hsil2 caye snap pic then edit pic!!!hehehe...


ehem,ckup2 la tu kan...caye xleh ler nk tnjuk bnyk2 kt cni, klau nk tgk lbih bnyk ag gmbar...jom2, lawat FLICKR caye!!!!hehehehhe...www.flickr.com/photos/ekingiller...
jgn lupe jgk, leave ur comment there okie...hehehe...okla,smpai cni jek n rajin2 la p FLICKR caye k, papai!!!!(^_^)