as salam kpd u olls sekalian..lame sngguh tdk meng-update blog ku ini kan..hehehe..bkn ape, tersgtla bz ngn study caye n hal2 yg berkaitan ngn idup ni...actually, sblum mmulakan story ni,caye nk share ade satu quotes yg caye jmpe kat twitter..hehehe..

Life is not easy when we're young..more mature we are,more problem we face.. 

the keyword here are,PATIENCE!

btol x quotes kat atas ni??to me, ia tersgt2la btol and now its become my inspiration quote...caye sndri terase yg stiap taun umur kte meningkat n at the same time problems yg dtg pon meningkat jgk..ape bole bwt kan, ia adelah sbhgian drpd lumrah kehidupan...klau xde problem, dugaan n cabaran..ane ade thrill idup nih!hahaha..

ok, today dah pon 2nd of februari kan??skjap giler mse berlalu, xlame ag pulak bulan march n march adelah bulan final exam bg caye n kwn2..huuuu...

januari dah terbang pergi tnggalkan kite, a lot of things happen on january but i'm still like this...face all the problems, settle down the problems n alhamdullillah...seme mslah dpt d selesaikan...to me, januari is the worst month ever!! why??? bcause, bulan januari pnuh dgn assignment, project, report, kuiz, test n bagai la!!!huhu.. pressure time is month of januari la, giler bz smpai mkn mnum pon xterjage sgt...huhu..

and now, month of februari come..dear february, be gentle to me, be nice to me dear n i will gentle n nice to you...hehehehehe..rite now, caye kat MUAR!!!hahaha..cuti slame smnggu, stat cuti isnin lpas n da 2ari caye kat muar ni...pttla ade pepeatah yg kate, rumah ku syurga ku...nk tau nape???sbb, mkn, mnum n pakai seme terjage...ok, caye n anda byangkan k...caye tibe muar ari ahad mlm n that time my mom msak PULUT KUNING ngn KARI AYAM...then, ari isnin lak mak caye msakkan MASAK LEMAK CILI PADI n SAMBAL SOTONG...pastu kan ari selasa lak mak caye msak MEE BANDUNG MUAR then today!!! mak caye msak NASI MINYAK!!! my mom is the best mom in the world la!!!hahahaha...

alhamdulillah la kan, month of februari stat dgn bnde2 yg hepi2 belaka even ade jek bnde yg xhepi pd caye but i put it aside la k..no more tears, juz laugh...huiihhh...

but still shikin, u still need to finished up ur assignment!!hailaaaaa..bgus tol lecturer2 caye ni, leh lak bg assiment time2 coti nih...bkn stkat tu jek, naik jek coti nih nnt kne hadap lak 3 kuiz!mampuih! stdy pon tdk lg ni, report pon xstat bwt coz mood cuti okie!hahaha..xper2, do it slowly shikin..hehehe..

okla then, mau out! nk tnggu kat meja mkn, nk mkn nasi minyak!!hahahahaha..btw, insyaAllah nnt caye story mory lg k!heeeeee..adios amigos!