salam....nmpk kan caye nyer tajuk entry kali ni??? know what, itu adelah isi2 bg entry kali ni...caye xnk stroy pnjg coz i'm really sad and frust sgt2...nk tau ag satu x??? guess what, again...caye xdpt trget pointer 3 n above pon....caye da target utk final exam yg lpas at least caye akn dpt pointer 3 gnap tp tgkla ape jd, satu A pon xde...xpnah caye dpt result yg mcm ni truk skli, sgt2 kecewa dgn dri caye....caye study, study bgai nk giler tp this is what i get????bkn xbersyukur, yela at least pass and xde sangkut ane2 paper pon kan but mcm xberbaloi dgn ushe caye slame 4bulan stgah...sdey la, kcewa, buntu seme adelaaaa...honestly caye ckp, this is my worse result ever! crius, caye xpnah dpt result cmni...pnat da nangis, caye nangis klua air mate drah skli pon result caye ttap cmtu jgk...
insyaAllah, semester yg ke-2 ni akn caye struggle and caye xmo ag dpt result cam sem 1 yg's time for me to be serious on my studies, xleh nk main2 ag....dahla, i don't have a mood nk story bnyk2...nk story ape pon kan, result da mcm hampagas...huuuuuuuuuu....bye semua....
p/s : congrats kpd kwn2 caye yg dpt keputusan yg baik... :)
usaha utk sem hdpn ye...
jgn putus asa
thanks mr syazwan, tdk sy pernah ptus asa utk blaja btol2 tp kdang2 terase sprt nk ptus asa........
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