as salam uolzs! yes, yes and yes! da lame xupdate my blog terchenta nehh..huhu.. sori la der, bz giler ngn my studies skrg neh..last week bz gler ngn segala presentation n sgla bagai report utk seme sbjek..mmg x terupdate la kan entry baru..ni pon curi2 mse ckit utk caye menaipkn entry baru..yelakan, what's coming next in my life ni..of coz korg nk tau kan?kan?hahaha.. xsdar dri nih, kul10 pgi ade last kuiz for DISCRETE MATH!hahaha.. curi mse sblum tdo ni, update jap blog..korg msti rndu celoteh caye kan..hahaha.. 

okeh, first of all.. i'm going to announce that..i'm going toooooooo... sit for my... FINAL EXAM FOR THIS SEMESTER!weeehhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! yeezzzaaaaaaaaaa, Mr. Final Exam coming again bebeh!haha! fuuuhhhhhhh...actually, final exam will officially start next week that is on monday but ade satu sbjek ni, my lecturer bwt awl ckit..means that, this coming FRIDAY..my first paper that is ENGB 213!walaahhh!!hahahaha.. why i'm look so excited for this coming final exam? well, juz xsbar nk blk MUAR! criusly, this sem is like a HELL! not enough time to rest, and we here da xmcm org dah.. 3 month straight without any mid sem break..ohemgeeeee!! but we manage to faced it, alhamdulillah.. and another best part is, time table final exam kali ni best ckit! wanna know why??? take a look at his pic below... ;)

and this is my time table for this final exam... abaikan ENGB coz i'll sit for it this coming friday..blergghh! what the best part is, the exam will start on MONDAY and membwk ke TUESDAY but then.. we have a very long gap! kteorg ade 6hari or snang cter 1week utk ke paper yg strusnyer!!hahahaaaa..syukur giler, kli ni time table agk mmuaskn hati..hehehe..so, insyaAllah we have enough time utk bce 2paper yg terakhir iaitu paper HCI and DATABASE! honestly, i really not ready yet utk final exam kli ni coz rse cam xbape ckup nk stdy sgt..huhu.. this whole sem is like a disaster and horrible sem ever!huhu! juz nk lpaskn final exam ni n blk MUAR! tu jek yg ade dlm kpler hotak caye neehhh..

ok la then, xmo wat entry pnjg2 coz da lwat sgt n da mengantuk..this morning ade last kuiz, hope caye da ckup stdy n leh bwt yg terbaik utk kuiz esk..heeee.. btw my blogger frenz, please pray for me n my friends at UNITEN..doakan kami berjaye utk exam kali ni, moge exam dlm bulan RAMADHAN ni beri kerberkatan kpd kami semua.. i dunno biler lg caye akn update my blog, but  i will update it! no worries okeh! slmt mlm, mimpi indah n wish me luck for my quiz n for my final exam! ;)

p/s : kpd yg muslim, jgn lupe niat puasa taw!!hehehehe!